To clean the children’s car seat

  1. Mix the vinegar, and essential oil in the spray bottle. Slowly add the baking soda (be careful that it doesn’t spill as it will start to effervesce).
  2. Vacuum the car seat.
  3. Spray the car seat with the liquid mixture you prepared.
  4. Use the washcloth or paper towel to scrub the car seat.
  5. If the seat is wet, dry it with a hair dryer.

Have a wonderful day!

Remember, everything you need for your health, beauty and home can be found at home.


Note: Truquitos Caseros is designed to educate and inform. The advice and information should not be used as a substitute for medical or professional attention. If you have any questions about your health, consult your healthcare professional. Truquitos Caseros©. TC Lifestyle, Inc. ©.

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