Josette Pagán is the founder and creator of Truquitos Caseros.
She was born and raised surrounded by nature. Her childhood with a connection with nature was part of her grandmother’s and mother’s legacy and different cultures around the world.
Josette had been passionate about natural medicine, the wisdom of grandmothers, plants and its healing property. She also loved learning about essential oils and products that are easily accessible and friendly to our planet. Josette has always solved everything with a practical and holistic approach.
Her continuous business trips, as a strategist, business and communications manager for Fortune 100 companies, provided her with several knowledge of different cultures and indigenous communities and its customs and fascinating rituals. Sharing with shaman doctors and wise Elders from different countries marked her life forever and confirmed her mission to share her knowledge throughout the world.
Josette is knowledgeable and experienced in “Home hacks”… those natural alternatives and practical solutions to health, beauty and home situations in our daily lives. Her aim is to share easy, effective and inexpensive ‘tricks’ so that everyone can enjoy a better quality of life.
Josette has contributed and collaborated with the media and, as part of her humanitarian work, supports several non-profit global organizations.
Do you know that everything you need for your health, beauty, home, and even for the office and the car, you can find it at home? That’s all you need! Most likely you already have the ingredients and materials in your cupboard, bathroom cabinet, refrigerator, and even in your desk drawer.
We live in a fast-paced world that many times we do not realize we complicate our lives unnecessarily. Things are simple! And those that we have within our reach, sometimes solve our life in the most difficult and unexpected moments.
The reality is that it happens to all of us: we suffer from some health condition or disease, we are afflicted by some cosmetic problem, or we have a cleaning issue at home or office. There are Home hacks to help solve them.
True Key TOS is about returning to natural living and giving back to mother earth, being thankful for its abundance. It’s also about coming back to our grandmother’s wisdom. Josette is committed to contribute and improve the quality of life and the good self-esteem of the people by sharing her advice and knowledge.
So remember… everything you need for your health, beauty and home, you can find it at home.
Note: Truquitos Caseros is designed to teach and inform. This advice and information should not be used as a substitute for medical or professional attention. If you have any questions about your health, consult a healthcare professional.