TrueKeyTos to eliminate your hamper´s bad odor…

Truquito Casero para el mal olor del cesto de ropa sucia...

Discover the TrueKeyTos to eliminate the bad smell of your laundry basket…

We can use a homemade air freshener that we are going to introduce inside the basket.

You’ll need:

  • A cloth bag
  • Favorite essential oil
  • Wet rice


Recycle a cloth bag, then fill it with wet rice and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Leave the bag at the bottom of the basket and you will see how the bad smell disappears completely with this pleasant new fragrance and does not reappear.

Have a wonderful day!

Remember, everything you need for your health, beauty and home can be found at home.


Note: Truquitos Caseros is designed to educate and inform. The advice and information should not be used as a substitute for medical or professional attention. If you have any questions about your health, consult your healthcare professional. Truquitos Caseros©. TC Lifestyle, Inc. ©.

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